Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

How to draw male head front view american style comic ( chirstopher heart )

first : Start with the basic outline of the head, which is a combination of the skull area is represented by a globe.

second : The eyebrows fall a little more than halfway down the globe, and the eyes are a lot lower down on the face than you probably thought they were. The tops of the ears are even with eyebrows. And the bottoms of the ears are even with the bottom of nose, which also happens to fall at the same point as the bottom of the globe. From the bottom of the nose to the chin, divide the face into thirds by drawing two horizontal marks. The top mark is where the lips meet , the bottom one is the crest of the chin. Give him inward-slooping curves along the forehead. this is very important. they meet the eyebrows at the point where the eyebrows change direction and turn in toward the bridge of the nose.

third : Details,details. Most beginners start off drawing the details because it's fun. delay gratification until everything is locked in place, pals, it'll pay off. The it's time to nppdle with image. Add those sleek countours that travel diagonally from the cheekbones to the chin.

fourth : Finally, tighten everything up and erase any guidelines.

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